100,000 that’s the number that should be seared into the memory of us all! The sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers & cousins. All lost to a virus that knows no borders. A virus made by our own greed and avarice. A virus made worse by our own incompetent establishment that seeks not to prevent but to only control when it’s too late.
This virus was made in Westminster, by incompetent and deeply unsavoury characters of all parties. They have nothing but contempt for the working or non-working poor who are struggling to make ends meet as they risk their and their families lives to keep bread on the table, whilst the elite sit back and gorge themselves on power, influence with a huge helping of entitlement. Yes, these people can be found across parliament, Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat’s the SNP and others. Whilst people struggle to make ends meet, MP’s are allowed to claim for gas, electric, water for their own homes whilst the working and non-working poor have to pay their way.
Boris Johnson came to the realisation that the 100.000 perished to the virus came on his watch, he may just beginning to realise the game is up, not only for him but his government. It also applies to Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, although not seen much, hiding his light under a bushel you might think? No, just hiding in the hope that no one notices his absence from the biggest disaster to have been inflicted on this country since the Second World War.
A disaster made in Whitehall by ministers, their officials and the civil service, administering huge doses of austerity, ripping away protections and capacity from public services and replacing them with inefficient, costly and unaccountable private sector companies.
The 100,000 are the responsibility of the political elite, they must pay for this. They must pay for the incompetence, poor planning, poor execution of policies and the fact we didn’t close our borders to all travellers during the summer in 2020.
They need to pay with their political careers, now in tatters. Their venal attitude and corruption exposed for all to see. There can be no rehabilitation for these politicians nor should there be a tear shed for them. There is no time for tears just anger and despair for the 100,000.
So, we have 7 million vaccinated with their first dose, quite an achievement but non as heroic as our beloved NHS and all who work there. They are heroes.
Heroes take many forms during this crisis, the carers, cleaners, shop workers, delivery drivers, the food chain suppliers and not forgetting the volunteers who help the old, sick, disabled and food banks.
The 100,000 will never be forgotten nor will those who enabled this disaster. We mourn their passing, we show compassion to those who have lost loved ones and we hope that once this is over we will see those responsible are sent to jail.