Here we go again. The latest wheeze by Keir Starmer and his Starmerbots (I’m sure Darth Vader would be pleased that he has chosen the dark side.) to ask for cash for access. We had the cash for questions That those dark days of 1994 would rise from their crypt and zombie like, infect the leader of the opposition and his merry band of men and women who call themselves the Shadow Cabinet. There’s the £500 a pop to gain access to a member of a Shadow Cabinet to discuss issues important to you and now the Chair Circle Membership Scheme that gives you greater access to the whole party machinery to put forward your views. As long as you have the money to do so!
What about us ordinary folk? How do we get the ear of these oh so important individuals? It’s not as if they are interested in ordinary people or they wouldn’t have lost 52 seats in the Red Wall. They don’t care, they just care about receiving their stipend and the privilege that Parliament provides and of course the networking to companies so that when they choose to retire, they have a comfy non-executive post to keep them into their dotage.
This is just a grubby money grab as the membership walks out of the Labour Party and the right-wing of the party like it that way, business as usual but not for the neediest in our society but for those who need the Labour Party least.
A leader that is unashamed of the way he is taking the party to the right and ignoring the neediest in our society, but I suppose we shouldn’t have expected Starmer and his Starmerbots to understand that. Perhaps, those making the donations are only doing so to ensure that Labour never get into power again. It would be a bargain for the far-right!
Keir Starmer’s new Chair Circle Membership Scheme Photo.