The news that cane out of Russia the other day regarding its Covid 19 vaccine should provide hope to millions of people around the globe. However, it has intensified the anti-Russian rhetoric of the five eyes nations, USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. Instead of welcoming this good news and wishing the Russian people well in their fight against Covid it has become more of another cold war for those in the five eyes network to work against Russia. Russia as so many countries above have their problems, especially with diversity, homophobia and political interference.
But, nevertheless, we should be welcoming the vaccine made in Russia as first step in the fight against Covid 19 whichever variant it now is in those countries affected. The Lancet, the UK’s medical journal that is world renowned for its providing an impartial review of medical procedures and new techniques in helping us all lead a better healthier life has given the vaccine a cautious welcome, it also mentions that the long-term trials in Russia composing of 40,000 people now underway will give a definitive answer as to the efficacy of the vaccine.
The jingoistic nonsense written in papers owned by billionaires that have no interest in truth unless it’s their truth are screaming about a new cold war on the way. I think a level of humility and compassion is long overdue from those who wish to make light of the Russian achievement in getting what looks to be a safe vaccine that works against Covid 19.
I don’t want to be part of the new cold war that these organisations are trying to invent again with their failed ideology. I want a world we can live together peacefully and except each other’s differences and rejoice in our diversity.