By The Left...

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My Lords!

As we see the mind-numbing process of judicial review of the governments case for using the royal prerogative for invoking Article 50.


Does this serve any purpose other than to put the country through more uncertainty?  The answer to that is yes.  We have had so much uncertainty since the 23rd June that has made this the real problem.  The vacuum left by not invoking Article 50 has made the whole country arguing with itself as to what Brexit actually means. 


The most stable position would have been to vote Article 50 through and then work upon the way in which we approach the details of exit from the EU. Yes, we needed time to pull together what we want from Brexit and the failure of Cameron and the Civil Service to prepare for losing the argument must be taken as incompetence. 


So what do we do now?  We invoke Article 50 in January 2017.  The government should then bring on-board the Trade Unions and also the opposition parties into the negotiations.  If Brexit is going to work for us all then all sectors of the community should take part in the negotiations and through this all parties can scrutinise and develop strategies to help the process.  This would speed up the process of voting on the deal, rather than not being involved and second-guessing the details of the negotiations.  We now know that October 2018 is going to be the deadline for negotiations to end.  The more we delay the less chance of negotiations being completed before the end of the financial year 2018/19 that would lead to an unsatisfactory deal being signed.